My cogsci top ten plus (Cem Bozsahin)
Just to exploit the benefits of a non-representative (ie. direct) democracy, aka. web,
I publicise my own top ten plus list, for whatever it's worth:
- Ibn Haldun. Muqaddimah. 1377.
- Hume. Treatise. 1739.
- Husserl. Logical investigations. 1900.
- Schonfinkel. On the building blocks of mathematical logic. 1920.
- Kohler. The mentality of apes. 1924.
- Turing. On computable numbers. 1936.
- Lashley. The problem of serial order in behavior. 1951.
- Arnheim. Art and visual perception. 1954.
- Chomsky. Syntactic structures. 1957.
- Miller, Galanter, Pribram. Plans and the structure of behavior. 1960.
- Simon. The sciences of the artificial. 1969.
- Montague. PTQ. 1970.
- Dennett. Intentional systems. 1971.
- Newell. You can't play twenty questions with nature and win. 1973.
- Fodor. The language of thought. 1975.
- Jaynes. The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of
the bicameral mind. 1976.
- Marr. Artificial intelligence--a personal view. 1977.
- Searle. Minds, brains and programs. 1980.
- Abelson, Sussman, Sussman. Structure and interpretation of computer programs. 1985.
- Dennett. Julian Jaynes' software archeology. 1986.
- Valiant. Probably approximately correct. 2013.